Why Are Lower Dentures Tougher To Wear Than Uppers? How Can You Correct The Problem?

Lower dentures can be much tougher to wear than upper ones. People are often surprised by this fact; after all, the upper dentures would seem at more risk of becoming dislodged due to the force of gravity. However, lower dentures are generally less stable, so even people used to wearing uppers can find them tricky to get used to. Why Are Lower Dentures More Problematic Than Upper Ones? The most important reason why lower dentures tend to present more problems than upper ones is that, while an upper denture is able to create suction against the whole palate of the upper jaw, the lower denture cannot rest completely against the lower palate because the tongue is in the way.

Are Your Kids Making Any of These Four Common Brushing Mistakes?

It can be a real hassle getting children to brush their teeth every morning and night, and even after making sure your kid is brushing, your job still isn't over. You don't just need to make sure they're brushing – you also need to make sure they are brushing properly. Here are four common errors to watch out for.   1. Brushing Too Hard Children can often be far too rough when they're brushing their teeth, going at it as if they want to brush them clean away.

4 Reasons Your Child's Teeth Might Come in Crooked

Your children's baby teeth aren't just there to help them eat and speak; they also serve as important placeholders for the adult teeth that will start coming in as they grow up. This means that any crookedness can cause problems later, with braces normally being needed to correct the problem, so it can be troubling to see your child's teeth coming in crooked. Here are just three reasons why that can happen.

Could Cake Culture Cause Cavities?

The high rates of cavities among Australians could have a surprising cause: the culture of snacking on cakes and other sweet foods in the office. In a recent speech, dentist Nigel Hunt claimed that people consume more sugar in the workplace than anywhere else, which could have devastating effects on their oral health. Is there a way to stop this 'cake culture' and save the nation's teeth? Why So Many Cakes?

Porcelain Veneers: Preparing for Your Smile Makeover

Porcelain veneers provide an effective way of improving the smile by fixing chipped, broken, stained, or discolored teeth. Veneers are sculpted individually for each patient; therefore, it is impossible for one to tell the difference between them and natural teeth. Are you thinking about using porcelain veneers to fix your teeth and improve your smile? If so, you may be wondering what the procedure involves and how you can prepare for it.