Times When You May Not Think to See a Dentist, But You Should

It's typically recommended that adults visit their dentist annually for a good cleaning and checkup. If you're a smoker, wear dentures, or have other risk factors for developing dental problems, it may be recommended that you see a dentist even more often. However, there are times when it's good to visit your dentist in between your standard appointments, no matter your routine for oral hygiene and care. Note when you may not think to see a dentist but probably should, and why it's so important.

Common Dental Health Problems Faced by Senior Citizens

As people get older, they are often faced with a range of health problems. However, one often overlooked part of senior health is their oral health. For older people, maintaining proper levels of oral hygiene can become increasingly difficult, particularly if they are affected by arthritis or neurological problems, which can make it physically and cognitively difficult for them to maintain the levels of oral hygiene they once did. Below is a guide to common dental health issues faced by senior citizens.

Tooth Staining: How to Reduce the Impact of Coffee

A lot of people enjoy a hot cup of coffee to get them going in the morning. However, you may be worried that your love of coffee might be having a negative impact on your teeth. When it comes to discoloured and stained teeth, coffee is one of the leading culprits. Below are 3 tips on how to enjoy a cup of coffee while limiting staining of your teeth. Add plenty of milk

4 Causes of Sensitive Teeth

If the hard enamel layer which protects the internal parts of your teeth becomes worn away, it can expose the tooth pulp and nerves. This leads to tooth pain and sensitivity, whenever your teeth are exposed to very cold, hot or acidic foods and cold air. Below is a guide to four causes of tooth sensitivity and how you can combat them. Over brushing If you use a toothbrush which has very hard bristles, it is possible that, rather than cleaning your teeth, you are instead damaging the enamel.

Tips to Fostering an Oral Care Routine in Toddlers

Toddlers can be quite finicky. One minute they are excited about oral care, the next they do not want to be dictated to when to brush their teeth. As tempting as it may be to let them find their own dental hygiene rhythm, you will probably be doing more harm than good for their teeth. This is because if baby teeth develop tooth decay, it will be a waste of money to fill in the cavities, as the teeth will still fall off.