Are You a Good Candidate for Tooth Implants? Take This Test to Find Out!

If you're missing some or all of your teeth, your dentist may recommend tooth implants. Whilst dentures are a possible solution for missing teeth, they're removable -- and they can be quite uncomfortable as well. Tooth implants are permanent. They work in exactly the same way that your natural teeth did -- and possibly even better. Whether you're considering complete mouth tooth implants or only replacements for a couple of teeth, tooth implants may be right for you if you can pass the test below.

Getting Accustomed To New Dentures — What You Need To Know

Finally having your dentures fitted can be an exciting time! Dentures not only enhance your appearance after losing teeth, but they will also restore functionality in terms of chewing, speech and more. Nonetheless, it is worth noting that new dentures can prove troublesome in the beginning as you try to get used to them. If you do not know how best to acclimatise to wearing them, you could end up being quite uncomfortable.

When a Tooth Loses Its Dancing Partner: Cosmetic Dentistry for Super-Erupted Teeth

Just as two dancers rely on each other while doing the waltz or foxtrot in a ballroom, your upper and lower teeth need each other in order to chew the food you put in your mouth. Together, they crush, tear and grind food so that you can swallow it in easily digestible pieces. When a tooth loses its partner, however,  it begins to seek that partner out. This is known as "

Two Ways Adults Can Straighten Their Teeth Without Braces

Ask any orthodontist and they will tell you that the optimal time to straighten teeth is when the jaws are still growing or once all the primary teeth have fallen out. This doesn't mean that adults can't straighten their teeth. They can, it's just that many adults balk at the idea of wearing braces, especially if their career is one in which they deal with people on a daily basis.

Which Is Better for Bruxism? An Upper Night Guard or a Lower Night Guard?

If you grind your teeth at night, wearing a night guard will help prevent your teeth from becoming prematurely worn. While it won't cure your grinding, it does at least protect your teeth until you and your dentist can work out what is causing your nocturnal grinding. As a patient, you can opt to wear either an upper or a lower night guard. The choice is yours. However, though it might not seem too important, there are some distinct differences between mouthguards.