5 Reasons to Consider Dental Veneers

If you have small imperfections in your teeth, such as chips, cracks or minor misalignment or discolouration, dental veneers could be a good treatment option for you. Here are five reasons why you should consider dental veneers over other forms of cosmetic dental treatment. 1. Dental Veneers Are Versatile Dentists use veneers to cover up chips or cracks that can spoil the appearance of front teeth. With skilful positioning, dental veneers can also disguise minor misalignment or gaps between the incisors.

Tips for Ensuring Quick Recovery Post Wisdom Teeth Removal

Wisdom teeth removal is arguably the most common dental surgery procedure. The reason is that wisdom teeth can cause oral issues such as teeth overcrowding, jawbone cysts, and possible infections. Although wisdom teeth grow normally for some people, it is not the case for the majority. The good thing is that the removal of wisdom teeth is a minor procedure and recovery lasts about two weeks. However, recovery is dependent upon post-surgery care.

A Simple Guide to Dental Implant Procedure

You may have already discussed your dental condition with your dentist, and he or she might have recommended dental implants. Here is a simple guide to help you have an idea of what to expect: Before the Dental Implant Procedure Your dentist first ensures that you are a good candidate for dental implants. You might be required to give your medical history and an X-ray of your jawbone and teeth. Based on what is found, you can either be a good candidate for dental implants or your dentist can recommend an alternative treatment like dentures.