What Your Dentist Wants You to Know about DIY Tooth Powder

Many people are moving away from over the counter toothpastes and powders. The reason for this is due to chemicals and other issues they may have with those options. Even all-natural options may be off-putting due to ingredients that are not as natural as you may like. These issues may lead you to look at DIY recipes for tooth powders. Here are a few things your dentist wants you to know about DIY tooth powder and why you should consult your dentist before using one of the recipes you find.

Pregnancy and Orthodontics: Why Wait Until Your Second Trimester?

If you've planned to have braces fitted but became pregnant before you could begin to have your teeth fixed, then you may not be sure whether to go ahead now. Your orthodontist is happy to treat your teeth while you're pregnant but is advising you to wait until your second trimester. Why does your orthodontist want to delay your treatment? Time to Get Over Morning Sickness Morning sickness usually affects women most in the first trimester of a pregnancy.