4 Reasons Lost Fillings Should Be Treated Without Delay

When one of your teeth develops a cavity, it can be restored using a filling. However, fillings don't last forever. While they should last for many years, fillings will eventually fail. This can occur due to anything from new decay developing around the filling to grinding your teeth. In most cases, your dentist will be able to tell a filling is going to fail before it actually falls out. However, fillings may simply come out without warning.

Everything You Need to Know About Flossing Your Teeth

Flossing your teeth is an important part of dental health. It can help prevent cavities, gum disease and tooth decay, and it's easy to do. But if you're new to flossing, you may have some questions for your dentist about how to get started. Below is a handy guide on everything you need to know about flossing your teeth. Benefits of Flossing Flossing is essential for maintaining healthy teeth and gums!

When a Chipped Tooth Exposes a Nerve

As a general rule of thumb, you can make a reasonable guess about the significance of a chipped tooth by whether it hurts or not. Perhaps there'll be no pain at all, and all you'll need to do is schedule an appointment with your dentist to have the tooth repaired. It's not all that urgent, but it is still crucial in order to prevent the tooth from further deterioration. But then there are times when a chipped tooth triggers immediate, and often overwhelming, pain.

Denture Relines: Your Questions Answered

If you wear dentures, you no doubt know that keeping them in good condition is essential. But what about when they need a little extra care? That's where relining comes in. This piece answers some questions about denture relining. So if you're curious about this subject, keep reading! 1. What is a denture reline? A denture reline is a commonly performed procedure that helps to ensure a comfortable and secure fit for dentures.

How Long Will a Natural Tooth Last After Undergoing Root Canal Treatment?

Root canal treatment preserves a decayed natural tooth and protects it from further infection by harmful oral bacteria. However, a root canal cannot save your teeth from weakening. If the enamel is already too weak from tooth decay and infection, the lifespan of the tooth reduces drastically. Knowing this beforehand can help you adopt effective measures to prevent your root canal tooth from cracking or falling out. Therefore, check out these factors that determine how long your tooth will last after root canal treatment.